Walpurgisnacht Unmasked…

Tonight is May Eve, Walpurgisnacht, our glorious Beltane,  a European holiday of great antiquity, a celebration of life that existed far before the Christian mind virus and Corona virus scams were forced upon our people. Thankfully, there are some things that are still difficult to control… even after a couple thousand years of brainwashing.

The song of Nature is irresistible at times, especially at this sacred time of year. That spirit that leads us to dance and leap over bonfires as did our ancestors eons ago, in celebration of the coming warmth and joy of summer, still exists even now. It is time to take off every sort of mask and reveal the bright ember of our souls and to rejoice, not to dehumanize ourselves and bow down to  a tribe of criminals. Now, more than ever, by the bright light of the Beltane flame, we can more easily see who and what is true and false.

The Sacred Fire of our Folk, the Valborg, Beltane flame , the symbol of our tribal life force itself. May we never let it die…

The Sacred Fire of our Folk, the Valborg, Beltane flame , the symbol of our tribal life force itself. May we never let it die…

When last I wrote about May Eve it was just before the onset of 4 months of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions at Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island of Hawai`i which rendered our temple sanctuary uninhabitable. At that time, Puna Geothermal, owned by the Israeli company Ormat, began fracking into the lava vein, a process that has been shown scientifically to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A general article giving an overview can be seen here.

Now we find ourselves in a new Zionist created crisis, a manufactured hysteria intended to destroy any small independent businesses and those who manage them, and to totally disrupt food production and distribution, and tear away the last vestiges of our constitutional and basic human rights worldwide. The Jewish supremacists wish to use their already outrageous control over 97 percent of the media and over our governments to usher in a world in which they have total control… a world in which the sheeple  or “goyim” are managed like actual farm animals, down to having numbers, constant surveillance, and tags in their ears… a dark, miserable world in which those who are not of Jewish extraction that are left alive are enslaved and suffer, and those who are gloat and profit from it.

We can re-erect our holy Irminsuls. Our tribal flame has not yet died.

We can re-erect our holy Irminsuls. Our tribal flame has not yet died.

Some of the duller flames among us actually refuse to deal with this reality, even though it has become so glaringly obvious, because they cannot handle it. Others go along with the hyped-up fraud out of fear and timidity. The greedy and characterless among us seek to ingratiate themselves with their friendly Zionist overlords who are always ready to employ an army of shills, fake protesters, government and media puppets, and other collaborators, using your tax dollars and their illegal unconstitutional central banks. These traitors and cowards think they will be spared by the Zionist supremacists for selling the rest of us out. That is, perhaps, the only amusing thing about these events.

Our ancestors were not obsessed with obeying Jews, their fake media, or their fake gods, or any other bizarre Jewish "authority figures". In fact, when Jews or gypsies got into their nations and began to rob us and kill non Jewish babies in ritual murders , our ancestors expelled them and tried and executed them for their crimes.

Our ancestors were not obsessed with obeying Jews, their fake media, or their fake gods, or any other bizarre Jewish “authority figures”. In fact, when gypsies or Jews got into their nations and began to rob us or kill non Jewish babies in ritual murders , our ancestors expelled them and tried and executed them for their crimes.

Then there are the masks… An actual medical mask protects only for approximately an hour at which point moisture from the breath renders it permeable and totally ineffective. Fabric masks are even less effective. 99 percent of the people who wear wear masks wear the latter kind, and wear them repeatedly too. Masks constrict one’s airways and concentrate bacteria but provide little to no protection. The Surgeon General specifically has warned that wearing a mask makes one touch one’s face more often and actually increases one’s chances of contracting Corona virus. He advised people to stop wearing masks.

If people think masks protect them or vaccines protect them, they are more than welcome to wear masks and take vaccines. When poli
ticians and regulators who work for Big Pharma and cooperate Jewdom suggest that those who do not wish to wear masks or take vaccines must do so, they need to be jailed for their corruption and tried and executed for treason.

If people think masks protect them or vaccines protect them, they are more than welcome to wear masks and take vaccines. When politicians and regulators who work for Big Pharma and corporate Jewdom suggest that those who do not wish to wear masks or take vaccines must do so, they should be jailed for corruption and in some cases tried and executed for treason.

Why are we told we have to wear masks and why is the CDC recommending it? Could it possibly be because the CDC profits directly from vaccine sales and is essentially a vaccine company, and that they wish to inflict mandatory vaccines on everyone for profit regardless of how many adverse reactions there are to vaccines and no matter how ineffective vaccines have proven to be?  There are so many cases of people being permanently damaged in severe ways from vaccines or dying that the cases have been shunted to a special semi -secret “Vaccine court” and victims and relatives who have lost their loved ones cannot even hold these monstrously corrupt companies and regulatory agencies liable for their crimes in an ordinary way. Our controlled government and Big Pharma work hand in hand, and have a vested interest in the manufactured hysteria and fraudulently inflated death figures surrounding this hoax.  No constitutional government should be allowed to require involuntary medical procedures of citizens. This is a personal choice and the outcome of allowing our occupied government to have control over us would have more extreme results than many of us might realize at first.

Part of the plan is to deify doctors so that the sheeple -goyim will obey them automatically without thinking... we are being trained like dogs.... note how in this corporate government meme, even our God Thor is portrayed among a group of Jewish made superheroes bowing down to doctors. Doctors are not Gods, in fact, Jews were ordered by a head rabbi to pretend to convert to Christianity and become doctors and study ways to harm the gentile when the people of Spain woke up because Jews had opened the gates to the Turks. Like everyone else, some doctors are good and ethical, some the reverse. IMHO, it is always wise to do your own research and think for yourself

Part of the plan is to deify doctors so that the sheeple -goyim will obey them automatically without thinking… we are being trained like dogs…. note how in this corporate government meme, even our God Thor is portrayed among a group of Jewish made superheroes bowing down to doctors. Doctors are not Gods, in fact, Jews were ordered by a head rabbi to pretend to convert to Christianity and become doctors and study ways to harm the gentile when the people of Spain woke up because Jews had opened the gates to the Turks. Like everyone else, some doctors are good and ethical, some the reverse. IMHO, it is always wise to do your own research and think for yourself.

To me,  the way our esteemed Zionist overlords like to give us little hints of what they plan to do in the future, such as requiring masks to be worn when there is no medical reason for them, is interesting. It is a prelude of what is to come if they have their way. If their Noahide laws, intended for us “goyim” or “human cattle” as they call people who are not Jewish,  were enforced, disobeying any of their religious laws would result in a death sentence for us. Marxist Jews already have genocided more people of other races than any other racial group in history and this is just the beginning of the plan.  Like a serial killer, they seek to  degrade and dehumanize their victims before they strike. It must be thrilling indeed to get their victims, the human cattle, to put on their masks willingly.

Solzhenitsyn related how those who went to the gulags were sorry they had not fought back and killed those attempting to round them up because they were White Russians. Let’s learn from them.

I was waiting for a ride in a grocery store a few days ago and was startled to see just how many people were voluntarily wearing masks. It amounted to a sort of living, breathing, instant IQ test.  I am not unaware of the fact that some of us are being forced to wear masks in order to keep our jobs, and I know this is different, because people in this situation are merely trying to protect their families from financial disaster, and ultimate starvation, but there is no excuse for those who voluntarily support this mass indoctrination and financial attack and comply by putting a mask on themselves. Such superstitious suggestible people truly are like cattle willingly going to slaughter while prattling inanely about public safety. They are much like the peasants in witch hunts who tortured and burned our own people for practicing our ancestral religion.  They demonstrate that stupidity can be more dangerous than any virus.

This engineered crisis aimed at destroying small businesses and farmers and those they employ is intended to bring about the destruction of our European ancestry men and women... and their families... It means corporate slavery for their children if things are left unchanged if they are even able to have children with conditions like these, it means an end to their independence, their dreams, their very existence,... It must not be allowed to happen

This engineered crisis aimed at destroying small businesses and farmers and those they employ is intended to bring about the destruction of our European ancestry men and women… and families… It means corporate slavery for European heritage children if things are left unchanged assuming the average couple would  even be able to have children with conditions like these, it means an end to our  independence, our dreams, our very existence,… It must not be allowed to happen

The 30 million people who have lost their jobs or businesses in America alone are the real causalities here… and it was planned that way from the beginning. One would have to be a moron of epic proportions not to have figured that out by now.  Our corporate media is even shunting those who can no longer live independently to specific corporate drone jobs at the same companies involved in the fraud that is destroying the small businesses of our folk. The goal is total financial and social control and slavery. Those who could protest and instead  are putting on your own execution masks, deserve it. If you obey those who seek to take away our rights, you bear responsibility for it too.

Sometimes we need to stop and remember to celebrate and to live. We own our lives, not the government. Now, if we do not behave as though we do, we shall soon cease to be.

Sometimes we need to stop and remember to celebrate and to live. We own our lives, not the government. Now, if we do not behave as though we do, we shall soon cease to be.

There is a good side to all this too however. More and more people are finally realizing that those who dare to speak the simple truth are not “conspiracy theorists”  but heroes and heroines. As for the mask wearers, well, we know who not to bother trying to help now at least. Viruses can be overcome, but such a level of wanton foolishness, reminiscent of Harrison Bergeron and Idiocracy, cannot be cured.  There are sheriffs who have decided to uphold the Constitution, and their oaths and not to enforce martial law.  They are the only people in our occupied government who represent us rather than Israel. May there be many more like them.  May those who refuse to be masked and muzzled and instead stand tall and free multiply exponentially.

We are meant to be a free people, able to operate businesses, bond with one another, hold lands, and practice our own ancestral religion.

We are mea nt to be a free people, able to operate businesses, bond with one another at public assemblies, speak freely, hold lands, and practice our own ancestral religion… we are not meant to be slaves of Jews.

Haven’t we hidden long enough from this Semitic scourge? What if this is the only time we have a chance to escape from it? No one is being executed for not worshiping their Semitic demon “god” as when our ancestors had to perform their sacred rites in the high mountains in secret on this Eve to escape death, not  yet anyway. One would tend to think all this could not get any more outlandish, but it definitely can. We already have a president who has banned criticism of Israel in educational institutions and a governor who wants to turn off our electricity if we do not obey. What is there to wait for,… for them to actually start enforcing Noahide laws?  They have already been written into our own law books.

I’ve written a few different articles on May Eve… Beltane or Walpurgisnacht, and have been interviewed on a couple radio shows partly on the topic. I’ll paste the links to these shows and articles here. The first article, which is the most recent, has an eerily prophetic volcanic eruption video in it, published just before the actual eruption began.




The Solar Storm: Eric Hunt & Seana Fenner – May Day (5-1-16)


Red Ice Beltane Interview



If you would like to help us restore our European ancestral culture , religion, and worldview, please share information from our websites, for example, the videos and articles here:

Gods, Heroes, and Festivals

If you are interested in becoming involved in the sense of being part of an Odinist group, please contact me at 863-877-0848.

If you would like to help financially, I should tell you that ZOG has removed my Paypal accounts and also recently deleted our websites. The only way of contributing to keeping our websites up and with other efforts to restore our religion, which is much needed, is to send cash or a check made out to my mother, Sharon Fenner, at:

Sharon Fenner

8700 Astronaut Blvd #1230

Cape Canaveral, Florida,

May you find, on this beautiful Beltane Eve, that same riotous joy our ancestors felt. Please take a moment to consider all the reasons  you have to fight for our tribe. The truth is spreading like the fire of the Sun itself this Walpurgisnacht. May this truth of who we are and who we could be continue to enlighten us and draw all our worthy folk to its holy light, so that we shall be united in our quest for freedom.


It will take effort to achieve actual freedom in our occupied nations but we can do it if we work diligently and intelligently towards our goal. Imagine what we could do if even a small percentage of us were on the side of our own tribe and acted accordingly.

Ostara Awakening…

Greetings to my fellow Odinists!

Since today is the height of our Ostara festival, how the CDC profits financially from the sale of vaccines, and  details about just how disgusting the effort to force mandatory untested vaccinations upon us is, and how malaria medicine renders one pliable and mentally unstable, and other treats our Zionist corporation controlled governments and agencies wish to gift us with,  such as mandatory mask wearing in public, and forcibly removing us from our homes, will have to wait until later.

A thousand dollar fines now for not wearing a mask in public in Riverside, California.

The even more despicable efforts to take away our civil rights, such as our right to assemble and to form a militia to protect ourselves from our out of control government, and somewhat bizarre but apparently serious plans to surveil  and track us even more with a worldwide facial recognition grid complete with drones and punishments for infractions based  upon a  Red China style social credit score system, all to make us “safer”, deserve mention too.

Efforts to destroy every independent business as well as food production and paper money so that everyone is dependent upon Big Brother ZOG and cannot resist globalism,  continue unabated… now in full sight out in the open, so that only the densest sheeple could not recognize them for what they are.  I am fairly certain, however, that there are not many Odinists who have not noticed that all of this manufactured hysteria is not about a pandemic, but about attempting to make sure we have less rights than serfs. Suffice it to say that we need to stay safe, stay armed, and be ready to pay back our enemies with the same careful concern and consideration they feel we should have in their holy Talmud.

Here are our three Cosmic Ostara miniseries videos. I hope you enjoy them.




If you have questions about Odinism  and wish to be involved, please contact us at 863-877-0848 and we shall try to help. We consider all European ancestry people part of our greater European ancestral religion and tribe and try to restore all aspects of our culture from all regions. Our ancient religion is so heavily censored at the present time that it is difficult  to spread this information about our tribal history, so please share these videos if possible. .

We need legal help in attaining basic civil rights for our people, so if you are an attorney please contact us at VictoryEuropa@outlook.com

If you want to help us with the costs of such projects and keeping these websites up, which has proven to be quite a battle recently, I should tell you that the only current way to do so is to send cash or a check payable to my mother at:

Sharon Fenner

8700 Astronaut Blvd

Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

The reason we cannot accept online donations at the moment is that the Odinia Paypal account has been taken down due to our world view not being Christian since this is not in accordance with Paypal guidelines.  In essence, genuine native ancestral European religion that is not part of a controlled opposition org is simply not allowed, to the extent that our websites recently were deleted, our religious services are targeted by our own governments, and even our Odinist Creed has been banned from social media.

If you have a truly European, Odinist, world view, an attitude based upon meritocracy, logic, reason, natural law, and honor, rather than just slavishly obeying a foreign Jew “god” and selling out your people in hopes of a reward after death or to escape Jew hell, you are public enemy number one in our Jewish supremacist Marxist society.

Never mind though… for being a wolf for a single day is better than a thousand years of mere existence as a sheep, and the outcome of this struggle has not been seen yet. It is more than time for the wheel of fortune to turn and topple the vicious greed crazed trolls who are attempting to destroy us and to claim our place at the helm again.  Let’s make it happen.

Waes Hael!!


Hail Victory...!! May we soon see it dawn..

Hail Victory…!! May we soon see it dawn..


How to Celebrate the Real Halloween…

Ways to Celebrate Samhain as our Ancestors did.

One might as well have an appropriate costume... A Samhain ceremony on Glastonbury Tor on November 4, 2017 in Somerset, England. Getty Images.

One might as well have an appropriate costume… A Samhain ceremony on Glastonbury Tor on November 4, 2017 in Somerset, England. Getty Images.

As requested and promised, I have updated our previous article in time for the astronomical Samhain festival starting on the 7th of November. Since our Samhain holiday has not truly begun yet in an astronomical sense, I thought these suggestions for celebrating Samhain in a Heathen fashion merited their own article as well.

Samhain has been celebrated throughout our Heathen European world from ancient times everywhere European tribes have lived in one form or another, from Spain and Italy, to Germany and Norway, to Wales and Lithuania. I call our festival Samhain because the Celtic tradition of Heathen Halloween has proven to be particularly vigorous in its survival.

  1. Go souling rather than “trick or treating”. Sing a lovely Heathen song or recite verses rather than just saying “trick or treat”. Take a minute to talk to the people whose houses you visit. Offer them good wishes and ask if they have had loved ones who have recently departed so that you can join them in wishing them well and so that the worthy dead may be remembered.
  2. Set up an ancestor altar with pictures of your loved ones, especially those who have recently died. Meditate on good memories you have of them, and what they achieved in their lives that you admire and wish to emulate. Tell them things you wish you could have told them while alive. Share good news and ask for their blessings in your undertakings.
  3. Provide homemade soul cakes, cookies, or other appropriate toys or treats to European ancestry children and other European heritage Samhain visitors, living and dead. If they are not familiar with the meaning of our ways, and why a real homemade soul cake is better, explain it to them. Apples and nuts are also a good choice as treats, because they honor the Goddesses Idunn and Pomona and are foods traditionally left with our folk as grave goods. They have a strong spiritual aspect, as does honey, because like the soul, it is imperishable.
  4. Do not tolerate nonsense about White Europeans appropriating costumes of other cultures. Consider taking a few moments to make a complaint about this to those who are intruding upon our sacred festival due to their envy and hatred of our folk. Samhain is a European holiday. People of other races are not even invited, and attempts to tell us what to wear and dictate to us about our own religious holidays are not just outrageously rude and disrespectful but true cultural appropriation.
  5. Consider making your own costume or at least partially making it. Heathen costumes are far more interesting than the cookie cutter costumes that are pushed today and dressing up for Samhain is much more engaging when it is a creative exercise. It’s okay for us to use our imagination. It has not been outlawed by our (((Communist Regime))) yet. (-;
  6. Clean and organize your house or apartment and leave candles in the window as a beacon to the spirits. You can be doing other things you wish to do, but wait and watch for the Spirits of your Ancestors and other loved ones to come, keeping an eye and ear out for them.
  7. Have a supper with the Spirits. Be sure to set a beautiful Samhain decorated table with extra plates for the visiting Ancestors. In addition to regular fare, and soul cakes or cookies, old fashioned feasts including pomegranates, and red wine, grape juice or spiced apple juice are traditional choices.  Please leave some soul cakes out for spirits with no families.

    Photographer: Irina Kuznetsova Taken in Donegal, Ireland

    Photographer: Irina Kuznetsova
    Taken in Donegal, Ireland

  8. Invite a völva or family member who is gifted at rune reading to read the runes. On this night of all nights the ancestors might have something in particular they wish to impart to you or advise you to do, or even warn you about, and this is a time when they are better able to communicate with us than usual.
  9. Play traditional games and divination games, such as bobbing for apples, or, if you are a girl, leaving wildflowers under pillows or looking in mirrors to dream of or glimpse one’s future husband. There are many wonderful customs our people once enjoyed that we can practice again from making a Celtic bambrake  cake with divination charms to telling ghost stories by a bonfire.
  10. Do some genealogical work on a family tree to learn more about  your ancestors and their accomplishments and help younger family members learn about them.
  11. Consider celebrating at least some of our ancient rites, such as the rune reading or the supper for the Dead, on the actual astronomical dates for our festival which occurs beginning on the 7th of November this year. Our festival lasts three nights and is followed by the Celtic New Year. For more about the New Year ritual see the article on Nerthus linked at the end of this article.
  12. In honor of the age old traditions of the reunion of Njord and Nerthus, Hades and Persephone, and of the Dagda and the Morrigan at this holy time of year, try to make romantic matches between your tribal members so that your clan can continue.
  13. Take time to honor the Gods and Spirits of the Earth, and of the Harvest, and the Underworld by visiting a sacred mound, or ancient site connected to your ancestral tribe, or a cemetery where you can commune with your loved ones. Make a libation with wine over the graves of the relatives you visit to renew their life force and revitalize the connection between their realm and ours. Make a ritual offering to the Landvættir, the spirits and deities who inhabit your lands, asking for their protection.  Honor and make a special offering to the Gods of the Afterlife, such as Hel.
  14. Remember that traditionally this is a time when the Spirits communicate with us through Nature either with or without our trying to initiate it, so it is a good time to pay attention and sharpen one’s senses. Scottish women of old would select a hazelnut to represent each love prospect and toss them in the fire on Samhain Eve. The nut that just popped could not be taken seriously, but the one that smoldered and burned to ashes was considered likely to be a future husband. From the movement of a stone after a Samhain fire, to the sound of the whispering of one’s name in the wind near an ancient Yew tree, both of which mean that death is coming, there are many ancient customs and traditions through which we can gain some insight into our tribal past and future at this sacred time. One can seek insight from our guardians spirits, Ancestors, or Gods, and receive omens and signs, divination from Nature, in response. At times we also can connect with unconscious knowledge we already have. Our ancient customs, and rituals give us a framework in our quest for wisdom and Nature itself can show us the right path when we seek it.
A Russian corn doll which honors the journey of the Earth Goddess to the Underworld... and thanks her for her abundant blessings.

A Russian corn doll which honors the journey of the Earth Goddess to the Underworld… and thanks her for her abundant blessings.

For a video rede and ritual about our Samhain festival and its history, watch below, and look at the previous article for links to 4 hours of radio on this topic.

May we honor the sacred spirits and may your ancestors visit and help you make your dearest wishes come true… and may all of your Samhain gifts, insights, and blessings not be false and sugar coated… but real. (-;

Waes Hael!



Blessings for Samhain and Álfablót and How to Celebrate the Real Halloween..

Updated 4/11/2019 for Astronomical Samhain..

One of our Samhain celebrations... Photo credit: Seana Fenner

Samhain is a holiday which has great meaning for our folk, one in which we have met with and honored our ancestors, our Gods, and the Great Spirits and heroes of the Dead… for tens of thousands of years. It is thrilling and awe inspiring and has deep and wonderful meaning. It is a time of sacred communion with our Gods and reunion with relatives from other realms, a time when we can see more clearly than usual, when the spirits of our loved ones can more easily communicate with us.

The real meaning of All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day, and All Saints Day, which were renamed by Jew worshipers, has been repressed and perverted, and our European holiday has even been outlawed several times by Christians and the Jews that control them,  and yet, the bright, spirited, soulful quality of this special time of year remains undimmed. It is not a holiday about horror and watching Jewish made horrible horror movies, or mindlessly distributing and collecting candy bought by ZOG corporations to increase their profit as though we were zombies. It is much more than that.

We can still choose to be great like our ancestors and seek life and victory rather than slavery and death. Be more rather than less. Be who you were meant to be.

We can still choose to be great like our ancestors and seek life and Victory rather than slavery and death. Be more rather than less. Be who you were meant to be.

A major aim of Christianity has been to depersonalize and strip away the meaning and bonding aspects of any native European religious traditions and holidays. This usually involves forcibly removing real wisdom, truth and spirituality, changing the dates of our sacred observances to make them out of step with Nature, obscuring the actual meanings of our customs, and replacing the Gods and ancestors we honor with a Jewish “god”. This is part and parcel of reducing the holy nights of our tribal  religions to the one-  size-  fits-  all  Walmart cult of Christianity, complete with fake festivals from which all meaning has been removed and replaced by Jewish supremacism.

In the case of Samhain, a European festival celebrated by our folk since our beginnings, it has proven hard for the Jews who hate our religion and tribe to eclipse. Like the waxing crescent moon tonight, there is only a hint of the great light of  this joyous time left around the edges of an orb covered with darkness, but this is enough for us to restore it so that the full brightness can come again. At the moment, for many of us, they have managed to insert a crass Jewish profit machine into our sacred celebration insuring that instead of enjoying our actual holiday and honoring our ancestors, we perform like trained apes for Jews so as to secure Jewish profit.

Instead of honoring actual spirits, much of our modern celebrations are reduced to decorating with plastic, and for centuries, continuing until the present time, the real beauty and meaning of these sacred nights is disparaged as demonic widely. A Jewish supremacist “one god”, and cultural Marxism, are, of course, added into the equation too, in order to keep us well and truly subdued and to dampen the spark of the Great Spirits who visit our realm at this time. They seek to interfere with our loving bonds with our family members who have gone to the afterlife, but they cannot do so if we do not allow it.

Our traditions are not evil, but deep and meaningful. They connect us to our ancestral Gods and to Nature.

For example, in the past we used to make soul cakes, for the living and the dead… and  even  when  this  custom  became  less  popular due to yet more manipulation, ladies  still  made  real  treats  for neighborhood  children who were “trick or treating”. Some treats were quite wholesome, others  less  so,  but  it  was  personal.  There  was individuality,  creativity,  trust,  and  bonding  involved.  Costumes  were  not  store  bought , but  sewn  by  women  who  were  not  brainwashed  to  work  for  Zionist corporations  because  so  much  money  was  being extracted  from  us  by  Jews  that  women  had  to  leave  their families  and  work  too to continue to feed the monstrous maw of Israel.

We are constantly scammed into believing that we can do nothing, but we <strong><em>can</em></strong>  restore our real religion and protect our people. If our efforts are deserving of aid, our Great Ones will help us and we shall win our freedom, for their power is far beyond that of the trolls that afflict our realm, as is ours, if we can find our true selves.

We are constantly scammed into believing that we can do nothing, but we can  restore our real religion and protect our people. If our efforts are deserving of aid, our Great Ones will help us and we shall win our freedom, for their power is far beyond that of the trolls that afflict our realm, as is ours, if we can find our true selves.

Jewish  financial  slavery  and  feminism have been  presented  as  “freedom” just as living in a Jewish occupied nation in which we have increasingly fewer rights is presented as “democracy”. After a bogus  article by the Zionist controlled New York Times in the 1970’s, suggesting  there  were razor  blades  in  apples  given  to  kids  on Al Hallow’s Eve, the apples that  represent our  European  Goddesses,  Idun and Pomona,  have  been  replaced  by  sugary  sweet  chemically  toxic  trick- treats by  Jewish  corporations.

Just as the sickly sweet candy being sold by Zionist corporations is not real food, a role for women in which they have no husband and children to love and be loved by, and no time to spend with them if they do, is a false one. Feminism  is  the  false  sugar  coated  lie  that  was  applied  to  obscure  this  theft of our time, money, and effort,  and  the  fact  that  Zionists are  taking  mothers  away  from  their  own  children  just  so  they  can use  European women  as worker bees to  make  even  more  profit  from  them. In this scenario, small children are left unprotected so they can be  better  brainwashed.  The  fact  that  before  the  level  of  Jewish theft of our resources increased families  could  survive  with  only one bread  winner  was  to  be  forgotten, and now we are supposed to not notice that we are paying for our own genocide and for invaders to have children so that we cannot do so. If we notice that we are being forcibly racially replaced and dare to object to it, we can always be demonized and called “racist” and “unchristian” or even “terrorists” and “extremists”, depending on what the current Jewish smear word for Europeans who love their own people is.

We can find the true spiritual Halloween if we look for it. It is all around us.

We can find the true spiritual Halloween if we look for it. It is all around us.

The sublimely joyous spirits of our loved ones, their visits, our hallowed dinner with them, the blessings they give us, and the riotous joy and fun still are suppressed by these actual demons, who misrepresent our great celebration of the immortal existence of souls as “evil” and “ugly” to distract us from the very real ugliness of their crimes against our race. They do not want us to have ancestors, tribal bonding, cultural identity, descendants, or souls. We need to fight them in every way we can, not go along with it like the “goyim”, or human cattle, they call  us.

We owe it to ourselves, to our tribe, our ancestors to love our folk with a love that is more than superficial.. to see the beauty and the light of our worthy spirits, and to know that we too can be great like them. The purpose of our existence is not to find peace, but to ensure freedom and life for our folk, whatever it takes. We are meant to be so much more… but it is up to us to make it so.

This is a time for basking in the love and warmth our family, both living and dead.

Ways to Celebrate Samhain as our Ancestors did.

One might as well have an appropriate costume... A Samhain ceremony on Glastonbury Tor on November 4, 2017 in Somerset, England. Getty Images.

One might as well have an appropriate costume… A Samhain ceremony on Glastonbury Tor on November 4, 2017 in Somerset, England. Getty Images.

Samhain was celebrated throughout our ancient Heathen European world from ancient times everywhere European tribes have lived in one form or another, from Spain and Italy, to Germany and Norway, to Wales and Lithuania. . I call our festival Samhain, because the Celtic tradition of Heathen Halloween has proven to be particularly vigorous in its survival



      1. Go souling rather than “trick or treating”. Sing a lovely Heathen song or recite verses rather than just saying “trick or treat”. Take a minute to talk to the people whose houses you visit. Offer them good wishes and ask if they have had loved ones who have recently departed so that you can join them in wishing them well and so that the worthy dead may be remembered.
      2. Set up an ancestor altar with pictures of your loved ones, especially those who have recently died. Meditate on good memories you have of them, and what they achieved in their lives that you admire and wish to emulate. Tell them things you wish you could have told them while alive. Share good news and ask for their blessings in your undertakings.
      3. Provide homemade soul cakes, cookies, or other appropriate toys or treats to European ancestry children and other European heritage Samhain visitors, living and dead. If they are not familiar with the meaning of our ways, and why a real homemade soul cake is better, explain it to them. Apples and nuts are also a good choice as treats, because they honor the Goddesses Idunn and Pomona and are foods traditionally left with our folk as grave goods. They have a strong spiritual aspect, as does honey, because like the soul, it is imperishable.
      4. Do not tolerate nonsense about White Europeans appropriating costumes of other cultures. Consider taking a few moments to make a complaint about this to those who are intruding upon our sacred festival due to their envy and hatred of our folk. Samhain is a European holiday. People of other races are not even invited, and attempts to tell us what to wear and dictate to us about our own religious holidays are not just outrageously rude and disrespectful but true cultural appropriation.
      5. Consider making your own costume or at least partially making it. Heathen costumes are far more interesting than the cookie cutter costumes that are pushed today and dressing up for Samhain is much more engaging when it is a creative exercise. It’s okay for us to use our imagination. It has not been outlawed by our (((Communist Regime))) yet. (-;
      6. Clean and organize your house or apartment and leave candles in the window as a beacon to the spirits. You can be doing other things you wish to do, but wait and watch for the Spirits of your Ancestors and other loved ones to come, keeping an eye and ear out for them.
      7. Have a supper with the Spirits. Be sure to set a beautiful Samhain decorated table with extra plates for the visiting Ancestors. In addition to regular fare, and soul cakes or cookies, old fashioned feasts including pomegranates, and red wine, grape juice or spiced apple juice are traditional choices.  Please leave some soul cakes out for spirits with no families.

        Photographer: Irina Kuznetsova Taken in Donegal, Ireland

        Photographer: Irina Kuznetsova
        Taken in Donegal, Ireland

      8. Invite a völva or family member who is gifted at rune reading to read the runes. On this night of all nights the ancestors might have something in particular they wish to impart to you or advise you to do, or even warn you about, and this is a time when they are better able to communicate with us than usual.
      9. Play traditional games and divination games, such as bobbing for apples, or, if you are a girl, leaving wildflowers under pillows or looking in mirrors to dream of or glimpse one’s future husband. There are many wonderful customs our people once enjoyed that we can practice again from making a Celtic bambrake  cake with divination charms to telling ghost stories by a bonfire.
      10. Do some genealogical work on a family tree to learn more about  your ancestors and their accomplishments and help younger family members learn about them.
      11. Consider celebrating at least some of our ancient rites, such as the rune reading or the supper for the Dead, on the actual astronomical dates for our festival which occurs beginning on the 7th of November this year. Our festival lasts three nights and is followed by the Celtic New Year. For more about the New Year ritual see the article on Nerthus linked at the end of this article.
      12. In honor of the age old traditions of the reunion of Njord and Nerthus, Hades and Persephone, and of the Dagda and the Morrigan at this holy time of year, try to make romantic matches between your tribal members so that your clan can continue.
      13. Take time to honor the Gods and Spirits of the Earth, and of the Harvest, and the Underworld by visiting a sacred mound, or ancient site connected to your ancestral tribe, or a cemetery where you can commune with your loved ones. Make a libation with wine over the graves of the relatives you visit to renew their life force and revitalize the connection between their realm and ours. Make a ritual offering to the Landvættir, the spirits and deities who inhabit your lands, asking for their protection.  Honor and make a special offering to the Gods of the Afterlife, such as Hel.
      14. Remember that traditionally this is a time when the Spirits communicate with us through Nature either with or without our trying to initiate it, so it is a good time to pay attention and sharpen one’s senses. Scottish women of old would select a hazelnut to represent each love prospect and toss them in the fire on Samhain Eve. The nut that just popped could not be taken seriously, but the one that smoldered and burned to ashes was considered likely to be a future husband. From the movement of a stone after a Samhain fire, to the sound of the whispering of one’s name in the wind near an ancient Yew tree, both of which mean that death is coming, there are many ancient customs and traditions through which we can gain some insight into our tribal past and future at this sacred time. One can seek insight from our guardians spirits, Ancestors, or Gods, and receive omens and signs, divination from Nature, in response. At times we also can connect with unconscious knowledge we already have. Our ancient customs, and rituals give us a framework in our quest for wisdom and Nature itself can show us the right path when we seek it.
A Russian corn doll which honors the journey of the Earth Goddess to the Underworld... and thanks her for her abundant blessings.

A Russian corn doll which honors the journey of the Earth Goddess to the Underworld… and thanks her for her abundant blessings.

Please enjoy our previous productions and articles (SEE VIDEOS AND LINKS BELOW)…

May we honor the sacred spirits and may your ancestors visit and help you make your dearest wishes come true… and may all of your Samhain gifts, insights, and blessings not be false and sugar coated… but real. (-;

Waes Hael!



I was interviewed for Samhain two years in a row by Renegade Broadcasting.. so if you are interested in Heathen Samhain topics, there are 4 hours of radio here for you.. These two shows are  “The Cultural Appropriation of Samhain”, recorded 30th October 2016… and “Bringing the Soul back into Souling”, recorded on 1st November, 2015. Links to the radio shows from the Renegade Broadcasting website are below…

The Solar Storm: Kyle Hunt interviews Seana Fenner – Bringing the Soul back into Souling (11-1-15)

The Solar Storm: Kyle Hunt interviews Seana Fenner – Samhain & Cultural Appropriation (10-30-16)


You may also be interested in the following videos from the Odinistpodcast Station on Youtube… “Sacred Spirits of Samhain”, part one of a series about the history of Samhain…

Our most recent video, “Of Bagpipes, Burns, and Spiritual Plagues Part One Tamoshanter”, which is for Burn’s Night, but which contains themes very relevant for Samhain…

..and our Autumn Winter Finding and Mabon Video against White genocide… “Winter Finding – Mabon Meditation: Red Squirrel & Tribal Survival”

…and lastly, the Odinist Samhain article about Nerthus..

“Samhain Mysteries of Nerthus and Njord, a Surviving Hebridean New Year Ritual…”


©2019 Odinia 

All Rights Reserved


Spinning Straw into Gold… GoDaddy intends not just to Censor but Delete the Data of our European Pagan websites.

Just as with the Library of Alexandria or the Witch Hunts, the ignorant destroy and burn what they do not understand, especially if it shows evidence of their crimes.

I have been told by the CEO office of GoDaddy that I must move our website to another host, but he has also locked the account so it is not possible to move the data. Presumably they are aware that it is not possible to move to another host with the account locked. Certainly their employees are and the other host I would like to move to is aware of this, so this cannot be anything other than malicious and hate filled harassment and they clearly intend to destroy the data of a religious organization that has been their customer for 7 years.

No other hosting company I am aware of deletes the data of its customers rather than allowing them to switch hosts. Everyone I have talked about this to is appalled and says it is illegal since our websites are our property and we have the right to move them, but they are so hate filled they do not care about any repercussions. They just want to delete our websites.

The websites GoDaddy intends to delete, our European websites, are devoted to restoring our religion, celebrating our culture, and obtaining basic civil rights for our tribe. Apparently, this was initiated due to a supremacist hate group attack, including a libelous Wikipedia article mentioning GoDaddy as our hosting company. Our religious websites, which contain such things as original poetry and articles European people have written and photographs of our events, and even birth announcements, as well as my work on restoring our European religions. Demanding that I move to another host, but LOCKING THE ACCOUNT SO THE WEBSITES CANNOT BE MOVED is like asking us to turn straw into gold.

It is very clear indeed after 5 days that GoDaddy intends to delete our websites without giving us an opportunity to move them to another host and just as clearly, this is a malicious act. Any help, be it making a protest to GoDaddy against this obscene targeting of European ancestry religion and people, and free speech and religion itself, or legal or monetary aid, would be appreciated. If you wish to help us in any way please get in touch. My number is 863-877-0848 email odinia@outlook.com. If you cannot reach me by these means you can mail me at…

Seana Fenner

8700 Astronaut Blvd #1230

Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920

Thank you in advance for your help and standing up for free speech and freedom of religion…

The LifeForce of Ostara, Baruch Goldstein vs. Brendan Tarrant, and the Rise of White Tribal Self Awareness

Please note, if you would like to go straight to the info about our native European religious holiday, Ostara, for now, please scroll to the bottom half of this page where you can view our Cosmic Ostara mini-series videos. To see a synopsis of the content of each video, please see here.

We are given the divine ability to create, and also the strength to strive to protect ourselves against those who seek to destroy us, our loved ones, and that which we and our ancestors have created. We have a choice of collaborating in our own destruction, or taking that power and using it to protect ourselves and our future generations from a living Zio-Hel. Instead of ignoring what is happening, hiding, or being frightened, we can take up the gauntlet that has been thrown down in such a surreptitious, cowardly way, and fight to save our folk. We still have a chance to win back our world from the trolls, and this is something we should do.

The evening before the Vernal Equinox is the beginning of our Ostara celebration. Equinox means “equal night. While it is not strictly true that the day and night are exactly equal in length on the equinox, they are relatively so, and so it is traditionally a time at which we think of balance.

In  terms of the wider meaning of balance, thanks to Christianity, in a spiritual sense, we have had an endless winter for a couple thousand years. In a metaphorical sense, it could be considered a sort of nuclear winter from a comet hit, in which the comet dust of cultural Marxism in the atmosphere has kept out the light of reason and the Sun, blocking them with its miasma, and turning our world to ice. Things have been out of their natural order, but the beauty of normalcy can be rebuilt and reborn, so that the Earth, and its inhabitants, can flourish again.

In our legends, the great God Tyr was willing to fight the Cosmic Wolf himself to save our world. How interesting it is that instead of us sacrificing ourselves, and even our tribe and family for a foreign god, our real God, Tyr, who is literally part of our family, was willing to make the sacrifice of losing his hand to protect us. We too must make a similar decision. Will we choose to stand on the side of our own people, against the forces of chaos?

When I was a child, my father told me that despite occasional events such as mass extinctions, life is not weak, but incredibly resilient and strong. He hung a picture of a group of smaller, but more focused and aggressive, leaping raptors bringing down a larger dinosaur, in my room. He said the raptors had a “can do” attitude, and he was right. It is this sort of attitude that gives us a chance to survive, both as individuals and a tribe.

Nature has both predators and battles in it, yet is beautiful, just as it is, and this is something we can celebrate, particularly on Ostara.

Even predators are beautiful in their own way. As omnivores, we share part of their fierce beauty… and although we have always tried to do so in a way that causes as little harm as possible, and to be constructive rather than destructive, traditionally, this glorious predator instinct is part of our make up too. We have within us the ability to fight for survival, and this is a natural and good thing… a necessary thing. Even though he was somewhat hampered by the Christian mind poison, William Blake could still see the burning beauty of the predator instinct shining out of the darkness, in his poem, Tyger.

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright, in the forests of the night… What immortal hand or eye… Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies, burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art, could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat..What dread hand? ..and what dread feet?

What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp…Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears, And watered heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright… In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
– William Blake, 1794

Predators are natural, as is protecting the women and children of one’s own kind, in one’s own nation, from invaders, but there are those who are unnatural, who kill not in order to survive, but out of laziness, arrogance, and greed for resources and power. Call them what you will… viruses, cancers, or parasites, they are so full of hate and so destructive that they seem not to belong in our world at all.

These literal trolls seek to take things out of their natural balance. They do not create anything, but feed off of others and they do not love life as we do, but death.  They would, quite literally, rather destroy a world that they themselves could not control, which is why they embrace what is known as the Samson Option.

In a psychological sense, I believe this particular variety of blood sucking parasite seeks to control, degrade, and destroy because they feel so inferior to us, and it is only by such means that they can temporarily gain the illusion of their superiority, and feel clever. However, it does not particularly matter why a troll wants to waylay children under a bridge and torture and kill them, only that they not be allowed to do it.

“This Land is Mine” the cartoon, “This Land is Mine, the real thing
See also, “Israel Is a Lunatic Nuclear State” by Norman Finkelstein and Helen Thomas and Obama on Nuclear Israel. Under the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Israel is not allowed to receive aid from us because it does not allow inspections of its nuclear weapon arsenal, but the USA violates every law to obey Israel since Israel controls our government.

There is a somewhat tacky, or to be honest, intensely grade B Sci Fi movie called the Lifeforce that has become something of a cult film. It is about hibernating space vampires who were picked up and inadvertently taken back to Earth by intrepid astronauts. One of the alien vampires, who quite appropriately is half Jewish, is Matilda May, whose vampire persona has the habit of sucking the life force out of hapless victims while au naturel.

The father of the vampire and pornography actress, Mathida May,
Victor Haïm, is a Turkish Jew who married a Swedish dancer. His daughter, Mathilda May, goes out of her way to airily point out that originally those casting the movie were searching for “a blonde actress”, “who spoke English”, and how she got the job anyway. Of course, in reality, due to almost unbelievably extreme nepotism engaged in by the Jews of Hollywood, all she had to do to get a part instead of a blonde European ancestry woman was be Jewish . Its almost as though (((they))) envied and hated blondes and just used their genes occasionally for camouflage. For more about the war on blondes in the Jewish controlled media, see

Unlike Arab and Somalian invaders, who tend to only have rafts, these (((extraterrestrial vampires))) are willing to cross the vastness of space to find hosts, and will do just about anything to take every ounce of human energy they can. The Vampire-ess, who like Oppenheimer, is said to have “destroyed worlds”, and her lovers, have everything they need to do it too. From their base of operations, appropriately in a cathedral, they busily transfer the lifeforces they steal from humans to their mother ship, and also make themselves appear human to their victims, when actually they are gigantic bats. This process does not stop until one of the astronauts resists and skewers the female vampire with a large sword.

I was not thinking of the Lifeforce movie when I was tweeting this, but sometimes sci fi can be surprisingly true to life, for instance.

When Queen Boadicea was assaulted and lashed and her daughters raped by invaders, she and the men in her tribe, the great Iceni, did not lie about eating Cheetos, and watching men in tight pants play football, pray for their enemies, or seek out homosexual baby sitters or African children to adopt in order to virtue signal and be rewarded by our sick society. They burnt enemy occupied Londinium to the ground

Boudicea and the great warriors who aided her were a fine example of what we were when, in our Pagan past, we had a strong identity and actual honor, and of what we can be again. There is more joy in victory, survival, and life, than there is in degradation, and sacrifice of our beloved ancestors, ourselves, our families, and our honor for a foreign god who does not even exist. In our present situation, what would Boadicea do?

Our ancestors, on either side of this engagement, were not cowards and wastrels who sat around allowing their daughters to be raped. The men of our tribe traditionally have always taken on the role of males, of warriors, and have been honored and loved for it by their womenfolk. If the originally strong, proud warriors of our folk, instead of working together and fighting these (((unnatural extraterrestrial creatures))), were worrying about appeasing the vampire’s god, or about appearing to be specie-ist, considering if the vampires had not had equal advantages in space, and giving them green cards, they would not be able to defeat the alien invaders.

In the light of the recent massacre, whether it be real, or a false flag which is part of the ever-present Jewish effort to take away our gun rights world wide, the truth is that no one normal who has a clue what is happening could care less about the invaders. They have been allowed to use us financially to the point of ensuring poverty for many of our own people, including our elderly, veterans, and young couples who would like to be able to afford to have families in the lands their ancestors created rather than paying for invaders to have families and homes at their expense.

Interestingly, the only other person I could find who had written about this very obvious comparison which (((for some reason))) has not been mentioned, had their thread removed. This thread was on 4 CHAN. No dissent from Jewish agenda and point of view allowed, Goyim!

These “immigrants” have robbed, raped and even prostituted, the children and women of our tribe en masse, and have taken jobs, scholarships, and university places that our own hard working European ancestry people should have been given. They have done this without even having to work to come up to our academic standards, for instance in the cases where applicants to university admissions programs were given bonus SAT points for being Black for the purposes of admission. Such invaders routinely insult our culture, revile our race, and try to guilt trip us for having created more highly advanced civilizations, and even arrogantly demand that we should bow down to their ways. They are part and parcel of an attempt to racially replace us by the Jews who are orchestrating mass immigration into our lands specifically to ethnically cleanse us.

At this point, if you have not considered it before, please think about the extreme hypocrisy in evidence in this equation, and read our White Genocide page. Semites, Africans, and others not of out race, have their own resources, lands, and people, and they can take care of their own folk if they wish to. It is not our job. Thankfully, unlike Christians, who are willing to neglect their own tribe in order to sacrifice everything to the African world village, we Odinists take care of our own people.

If we do not have the courage to be on the side of our own folk we shall not survive, and we shall not deserve to.

Has everyone in our controlled media forgotten the shrines and celebrations for the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who killed 29 praying Moslem Arabs in a mosque and wounded more than a hundred more? This is the doctor who refused to treat gentiles when working at the hospital because according to the Talmud it is a sin to save a gentile from danger of death. He is considered a martyr and saint and is extolled by many Jews worldwide, In fact, just after the massacre, some ten thousand Jews visited a monument to him to honor his memory. How strange and sad that Jews demand the right to take the land of others and savagely murder them, while we do not even dare give ourselves permission to protect our own lands and folk.

An understated, but red pilled meme….

Jews are doing their best to take away our gun rights in every European heritage nation, at times using fake shootings, in tandem with their stranglehold over 97 percent of the media, to garner public support for gun control. What’s next? Having taken away gun rights in Europe, now Jews are demanding special guns rights only for Jews in the EU. We are supposed to feel sorry for them because they have spearheaded mass immigration of Arabs and other non Whites to genocide our people in our own nations, and some Jews may get killed in the process. We are not a factor,  because according to the Talmud, we are not human, only Jews are. I wonder what would happen if  Jews are allowed to have guns and we are not. Hmnnn… It is notable, perhaps that 7 people in New Zealand have been arrested for having viewed videos of the New Zealand massacre and the shooters words in his manifesto and have beenthreatened with ten years in jail for viewing these videos.

Zionists do not even bother to pretend to allow dissent now.

It is true that the invaders are the biological weapons of the Jews, but they have no business in our lands any more than we have in theirs. Those who bother to pretend to care about invaders who came here to use us financially and destroy us do not fool anyone at this point. Such people, who willingly side with invaders who are harming the weakest members of our tribe, are our deadly enemies. Others just do not understand what is necessary to survive. Fortunately, the numbers of based, red pilled Odinist folk are rising exponentially. The vampires and their minions are not going to leave our planet or, for that matter, our nations, willingly…. and waving crosses at them simply will not help.

Most of my social media comments and accounts have been removed because Odinists, especially blonde ones, are not allowed to express any opinions Jews do not like or to practice religions that do not involve worshiping a Jewish god. In fact, they even banned a picture I posted of an Ostara bunny once. I am usually banned just before every Ostara, but this year they have banned my account entirely, just before this Yule, so that thousands of European ancestry people and families, and their children, have not be able to access historical information about our religion from my social media pages. Well one might ask, what kind of (((sick control freak trolls))) would ban an Ostara bunny, but I’m sure we all know.

Oh no! It’s an Ostara bunny, and its White and its looking at the Moon which is also…White. How “racist”!!!!
No White bunnies or real European religion that is not judified or homosexualized allowed on Zionbook. Clearly, this is a very dangerous bunny…

The reason, I am perpetually banned 11 months out of 12 each year and now permanently, is in retaliation for such ‘sins” as posting our own sacred symbols on Facebook, posting notices of events such as our religious holiday services, and suggesting that raping our White European ancestry women out of racial hatred is not a positive thing..

By contrast, Jews are free to celebrate holidays whose central theme is taking over nations and executing the patriots of that nation, then stealing from and murdering its citizens…. for example, in the case of Purim, by means of a Jewish whore seducing a nation’s king by appealing to his ego and turning him against his wife. Zionists even have a modern hate holiday about their murder of a young blonde European ancestry woman who dared to stand up to them. See, THE NEW JEWISH HATE HOLIDAY… RACHEL CORRIE VITRIOL, HAMAN, AND PURIM…. but we are not supposed to celebrate our own holidays because, according to the Talmud, we have inferior souls.

If we do want to have any celebrations, according to our Zionist masters, we apparently need to worship their god, and allow our original holidays to have this Jewish supremacist “god” superimposed over our actual ancestral Gods. All the meaning is taken away, of course, and the icing on the cake is that we are supposed to revile our own beloved deities into the bargain, and hate our own ancestors, but not hate our enemies, which is incredibly convenient for some (((people))).

Despite our ancestral deities being, quite literally, the well spring from which we flow, we are told our Gods are demons. Jews have not just poisoned our water as they have poisoned the wells of the Palestinians, apart, quite possibly, from allowing fluoride to be added to it, but they have corrupted our most sacred rituals and our spirits, our very souls, beyond all recognition. Why is it so important for them to do this in order to destroy us? Identity makes us stronger, and more alive…

I do a great deal of work to restore our religion, so please watch the Cosmic Ostara videos, which put some of the details of our own religion into a more accurate and meaningful context. Our festival continues until the traditional date for its height, the high feast of Ostara, which is on or near the same day as the present day Christian Easter, so we have a long and glorious holiday to look forward to. The Cosmic Ostara Video Mini Series has three parts.

Cosmic Ostara I
Duration: 35.46
Recorded: On the 18th of March, 2013
Author and Narrator: Seana Fenner (Odinia)
Best Viewed: On or about the Spring Equinox.

Cosmic Ostara II
Duration: 42:17
Recorded: On the 26th of March, 2013
Author and Narrator: Seana Fenner (Odinia)
Best viewed: On or about the full moon after the Vernal Equinox

Cosmic Ostara III
Duration: 106:34
Recorded: On the 30th of March, 2013
Writer and Narrator: Seana Fenner (Odinia)
Best viewed: On the High Feast of Ostara

There has been a well organized and long standing effort to present our ancestral European religion in a misleading manner that suits certain agendas and special interest groups. If you find yourself wading through materials of that kind, my suggestion would simply be to consider the source.

Primarily, erroneous information is promoted by those who hate Europeans, our culture and our Gods themselves. Their agendas include wishing to promote race mixing us out, or the domination of Jews, other races not of our ethnic group, and homosexuals over our religious practice. They present inaccurate material about the history of our religion in an attempt to advance these agendas. For example, against all historical, archaeological, and genetic evidence, they try to suggest our ancestors, and even our Gods, embraced race mixing, homosexual marriage, and drug using lifestyles, and that they considered homosexual lifestyles superior to traditional marriage, as in the mannerbund scam. The idea is that we should follow suit and engage in self and tribally destructive behavior.

Being “evil Nazis”, even in the case of those of us who are not German, we are not, in their opinion, entitled to conduct our own ancestral religious services ourselves, without them overseeing us. Instead, we are supposed to listen to Jewish “experts”, and Black or homosexual “experts”employed by Jews, and obey them just like the “human cattle”, or goyim they call us.

Obviously, I am pro European and love my tribe, but in the Cosmic Ostara videos, I am narrating what I believe to be correct based on actual history, archaeology, and science. In order to further our cause of preserving accurate information about our religion, I should mention that despite all the slander and libel, unlike those trying to use our religion and hijack it for anti European Zionist aims, I actually do have some idea of what I am talking about. I did receive a graduate degree from Oxford, have been to virtually all important ancient archaeological sites and their attendant museums in Western Europe, and I was accepted at Oxford on the basis of my writing and research skills. My work is something that can be taken seriously because it is done in good scholarly faith, which certainly cannot be said of the exclusively Jewish- led fake Pagan organizations who are trying to spin our religion to suit their own ends.

See ODINIA’S RESPONSE TO VICE: THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY, DECODING JEWISH FAKE PAGAN PROPAGANDA for more about the efforts to change history and eliminate our true ancestral spiritual heritage as our ancestors experienced it. Such efforts, are, in essence, attempts to Christianize our beloved religious traditions.

A glorious Fabergé egg, commissioned in
1897 by Nicholas the II, Tzar of Russia, whose entire family, including his children, was assassinated by Jews, and whose people were then killed by these same Communist Jews in the tens of millions. Strangely, for some reason, we never hear about this in the almost entirely Jewish controlled media. For more about this topic, see Hidden Holocausts of Word War II.

You also might enjoy PAGAN EGG PAINTING FOR OSTARA…THE MAGICAL ART AND SYMBOLISM OF PYSANKY I know we have often have very little time, but participating in our Odinist festivals is a great use of any extra time we do have, especially with loved ones. Traditions such as egg painting and hunts, and many other delightful European Pagan customs, strengthen individuals, our identity, and the bonds among our tribe. Our tribal religious rituals are a source of joy, inspiration, and connection to our ancestral spirits and Gods. In order to be whole and have balance in our lives, we need to exercise the body, the mind, and the spirit, and such things make our spirits grow, like sprouting seeds, and remind us that we are part of the beauty of Nature.

Embracing our own culture and its celebrations is no small thing in the cause of tribal survival either. It may mean the difference between victory or defeat and utter extinction, not just for us, but the planet itself. If you are of our people, now is a good time to become a full part of our tribe. We are starting chapters everywhere we can. Celebrate the wonder of the return of our European ancestral religion, and help us to bring the light of Spring back to our folk. Get in touch at 863-877-0848 or at Odinia@outlook.com

Our ancestral spirits and Gods give us many gifts, and today, on the Vernal Equinox 2019, I was given this exquisite German chocolate cake as a present by a intelligent and beautiful young lady named Jessica. It was a lovely surprise and I was very moved by it. I intend to share it with other Odinists to give them the same joy and hope that she gave me. It is true that spiritual gifts cannot be bought, even in the hyper- materialistic Zionist realm we live in at the moment. Such gifts as this, nourish not just the body, but the soul. It is a sign of even better things to come.

Happy Ostara!!

Waes Hael…


Tannenbaum Truth

24-25 December Odinist Year 1948 (dating from the razing of the Jewish temple in Jersusalem  by Rome)

(2018 by the Jewish Calendar)

Earlier this week, on the eve of our first sacred solstice night, I was asked by Sonny Thomas to talk about our European Yule customs, and why it is important that we celebrate them. There were some difficulties embedding this interview earlier, but it seems to be working perfectly well now, just in time for the Yule!

This is, of course, a huge topic, and a very interesting one, and it will be covered in more detail in videos and written work I have made, especially in a few yet to be released. In the interview above, I only cover a tiny bit of the subject, exploring the true meaning of our holy nights through the medium of the traditional ornaments on a Yule tree, but I think listeners will find it worth exploring. Sonny Thomas’ topic is a thought provoking one. Why would any tribe not love and respect its own ancestral beliefs?

At the top of the Odinia headquarters Yule tree this year, will be a heavenly Valkyrie, accompanied by sparkling ancestral totem animals and constellation symbols. The stars that Christians display on Yule trees as "Star of Bethlehem", are really Sunna, the elemental Sun Goddess, and they always were. Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons Christianity is not a genuine religion is the fact that it has no customs of its own, apart from Jewish supremacism and cultural Marxism.

At the top of the Odinia headquarters Yule tree this year, will be a heavenly Valkyrie, accompanied by sparkling ancestral totem animals and constellation symbols. The stars that Christians display on Yule trees as “Star of Bethlehem”, are really Sunna, the elemental Sun Goddess, and they always were. Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons Christianity is not a genuine religion is the fact that it has no customs of its own, apart from Jewish supremacism and cultural Marxism.

The Yule tree is in essence a cosmic tree, or tree of stars, symbolic of the Milky Way. For more on this topic, click on one or both of the pictures below. Undeniably, the behaviors of the founders of Christianity demonstrated intense hatred of our race and ancestral religion. Such hatred extends to everything that sparks our realization that we are a tribe with our own interests, and that we have an identity, and a responsibility to our own folk.

Christianity is an attempt to eclipse our innate, natural, and healthy tribal identity, so that we can be more easily persuaded to betray our ancestors and ourselves. Most of all, these Jew worship promoting savages, such as Boniface below, sought to destroy that which is sacred to us… our beloved symbols, our art, altars, groves, and temples.. everything that our folk created to help us to connect to our ancestors and Gods, and one another, gifts meant for us and our descendants..

Travelling up the Yule tree, we can see round cosmic ornaments, at times even in the shape of a star with rays of light, which represent the stars of the Milky Way, and the sacred souls of the dead. The apples that are among the earliest known ornaments placed by Druids on sacred trees, were important in their own right as repositories of the life force, through the Winter, since, like Yule trees, the fiery-hued apples could remain fresh all Winter, but it seems likely that they must have had a cosmic connotation, and served as solar symbols as well.

As with the festival of Samhain, this is a time of year to communicate with that which is spiritual… the time of the Wild Hunt. Traditionally, this is when our Heathen heavenly host can be heard, and when we can glimpse Spirits of the Dead… from our dearest family members to great warriors of the past, who visit our world in this season to inform and bless us.

Much of the joy and awe of this European holiday always has been centered around the Sun itself, and its rebirth. After the 3 silent nights of the solstice, the Sun comes to life again and is reborn upon Yule morning. For more about actual historical and astronomical Yule reckoning, the great patterns of Nature that our Ancestors recognized, honored, and celebrated, click on the picture below.

There are so many degrading acts of theft, of real cultural appropriation, leveled against our ancestral religion and tribe, that it would take years to categorize them. Both metaphoric and actual destruction of the trees, branches, and roots, of our folk and of our people themselves, have been carried out in the name of a Jewish “god” for well nigh 2,000 years, ever since Christianity was introduced and imposed upon European populations by force on pain of death. For more about how Jew worship was imposed, please see here..

Virtually no sacred symbol, temple, or personage has escaped this obscene leveling of our European culture and folk, which presents our own ancestral Gods as demons, and a Jewish demon as an omnipotent god.. To gain some idea of how hostile these interlopers were and are, (albeit in the present time at times more unknowingly, due to extreme programming), you might want to read and watch the videos and articles below, also about Yule customs, attacks upon them, and their miraculous survival.

Here are links to other Yule interviews I have participated in recently.



The Solar Storm: Seana Fenner – True Yule (12-20-15)

During the course of the religious ethnic cleansing that targeted our very souls, our deities were defiled and our ceremonies honoring them were erased or replaced. Since there was no original content to speak of in Christianity, our Gods were made into “saints” and our legends transformed into Semitic supremacist propaganda stories. Like Jews, Christians always present themselves as the central figures and “victims” in these cobbled together tales. Our holidays and rituals were altered in date and theme, to disrupt them, our temples and groves, were stolen, and even the lovely Goddesses atop our Yule trees were made into the servants of the demonic Jew “god” as his angels, but they have remained, waiting for their true identity to be unmasked.. (-:

In the case of the murderous, European religion- hating, partly Jewish Charlemagne, who snuffed out the lives of a plethora of sacred Irminsuls and 2/3rds of the Saxon tribe in order to impose his hideous foreign religion upon us, the megalomania of those advancing the cult of Jew worship took on epic proportions. Under his unholy reign, even the sparkling wagon constellations, the cosmic Chariots of our Gods in our Nordic skies themselves, were polluted by his minions, in one case taking on the name “Carl’s wagon”.

Despite all this destruction, everywhere there are maps to the truth. The resilience of the life force, and the love of our brave folk for what is true, kept these traditions alive, through many dark and desolate years of mindless imposed Jew worship, even when that rebellion was only in the hiding of elements of our true religion in a fairy tale, or painting the divine symbols of our Gods on an “Easter egg“,  or in keeping the bright star of Sunna on a Yule tree, while paying lip service to a “Star of Bethlehem”. . For our customs were not dead, only sleeping, waiting like a seed, to find a space in the sun, and burst forth, alive again.

Our ancestors did not just gather in their grains and animals to prepare for winter, they also visualized the successful conclusion of the cosmic battle in the heavens between darkness and light, and the coming of lighter and brighter days ahead.   They knew, in their wisdom, that visualizing a cherished wish is the first step to making it come about.

To this end, symbolic acts meant to influence outcome in much the same way as experimental quantum physics is said to operate were performed as part of celebrations. For example, a bit of the Yule log was saved to kindle next year’s Yule flame, the idea being that in such small acts lay tribal continuity, success, and survival itself.

Just as Hansel and Gretel left sparkling stones that would shine in the moonlight to guide their way our of the dark forest home, our ancestors did all they could to keep us in light rather than darkness. They left us clues to find our way back from the morass of Christianity to sanity. There are many levels of truth adorning the branches of the Yule tree, and in particular the truth of who we truly are. All we need to do is find it..

May you have abundant blessings this Yuletide and 12th Night…!


Tor’s Hav’n

Odinia on the Edge

The sinkholes and giant cracks in the road have been daunting but now we have a full time fill station for the road with tons of fill and steel plates ready to go! Considering that the caldera crater that keeps erupting and collapsing and getting closer is 350 meters deep, sometimes I think this may not be enough. The FEMA inspector told us today that some of the steel plates have steam coming out of them. Photo Credit: Seana Fenner

The sinkholes and giant cracks in the road have been daunting, but now we have a full time repaving station for the road in the village, with tons of fill and steel plates ready to go! Considering that the caldera crater that keeps erupting and collapsing and getting closer is 350 meters deep, sometimes I think this may not be enough. The FEMA inspector told us today that some of the steel plates have steam coming out of them. Photo Credit: Seana Fenner

The mind, perhaps mercifully, is a fragile thing, and although I do understand that I am living at a “premiere adventure destination” and should be enjoying the excitement, the constant stress has begun to take a toll. Still, I thought I should relate all the other new adventures we are having on the Big Island as we attempt to relocate ourselves and our headquarters.

Please know that although we are grateful for our front row seats to the geological wonders unfolding, we still really would like to be somewhere that will not collapse into a crater, so if you would like to donate, or share our campaign with someone who might, we would not object!

This is the first sinkhole in the road outside before it got very large. Driving is never boring here.

This is the first sinkhole in the road outside before it got very large. Driving is never boring here.

I’ve been in several disasters in my lifetime, for instance, I happened to be visiting Florida from England when Hurricane Andrew hit. I was at my father’s house, which later turned out to be a sort of ground zero the eye of this mega hurricane passed over. The night before news of the storm’s impending arrival came, I had a dream in which there was water everywhere, and I was getting on a boat in the dark. When I woke up the next morning and saw the news about a hurricane approaching, I was worried because of that dream, and mentioned to my father that I thought it might be bad. He downplayed it and said it would be nothing, but still, I did not want my mother to be alone, so I drove to North Miami Beach immediately.

Now, apparently the local govt has become tired of trying to fix this particular stretch of road and has acknowledged that it is going to collapse and is planning to make a detour but has warned that there might be delays due to the incoming cyclone... yes, that's right, we now have lava ignited forest fires and a cylcone too. Photo Credit: Seana Fenner

Now, apparently the local govt has become tired of trying to fix this particular stretch of road and has acknowledged that it is going to collapse and is planning to make a detour, but has warned that there might be delays due to the incoming cyclone… yes, that’s right, we now have lava ignited forest fires and a cyclone too. Photo Credit: Seana Fenner

Now certainly it was no picnic in North Miami. There were cars in trees and the like… but my father’s house was flattened. When we managed to get water for him and we drove to the area he lived in, the authorities let us in because I had an ID with his address on it. It looked like a bomb had hit and was unrecognizable, so much so we could not find his house at first. Finally, I figured out where it was because I saw some looters at what must have been the mall and was able to extrapolate.

The neighborhood was like some sort of apocalyptic disaster scene from a sci fi movie. People were shooting the monkeys that had been freed from the University of Miami research laboratories because they were rumored to have a simian version of AIDS, and there were 100 foot yachts lifted out of the water by the winds, and even sharks and schools of minnows thrown into people’s swimming pools.

Thor, the #lavadog and my mother, Sharon Fenner. Unfortunately, we are Back in the danger zone right now using the computer to try to raise funds so we can escape, but as soon as we can we shall go back and stay in the park, which as difficult as it is, is far less scary.

Thor, the #lavadog and my mother, Sharon Fenner. Unfortunately, we are Back in the danger zone right now using the computer to try to raise funds so we can escape, but as soon as we can we shall go back and stay in the park, which as difficult as it is, is far less scary.

Another time, when I was a child, I was in a flood in Renovo, Pennsylvania, at my grandmother’s summer house, a wild out of the way place that once had been a town long ago, but at that time had only a general store and frequently reported sightings of the fabled Sasquatch in the wilderness nearby.

As the water levels rose towards the bank, the animals became stunned. I picked up the wild baby rabbits and birds and gently put them in a box. When the water got so high it was about to overflow, I  took them with us up the mountain to the cabin of Annie Laurie, the local witch, whose house everyone in the area was escaping to. None of us came back for many days, and when we did it had to be in a boat. The hurricane and the flood were stressful occurrences, but nothing compared to the current events here in Hawai`i because this is a sort of endurance race that seems never to end. Now I know how those stunned animals felt because I feel a little this way myself.


For more about our attempts to escape our volcanic island and an eyewitness account of events, with pictures and videos, please see..


For a tribute to the life of the great Earnst Zundel, who went to Valhalla a year ago today, please see here.

The Heroic Ernst Zundel, who Dared to Tell the Truth.

My heartfelt thanks to Kevin Alfred Strom and the National Alliance and National Vanguard for publicizing our plight..

Hawaii: Leader of Pro-White Pagan Group Odinia in Path of Volcano

Many, many thanks to History Reviewed, and Jan Lamprecht, for publishing an article about our story.

URGENT: Please help this White Woman & her mother escape the lava flow in Hawaii!

In answer to the many people who have contacted me asking if Red Ice is going to feature this story, and those who have actually contacted Red Ice and asked themselves, I have no answer for you. Our story certainly is a story I would consider newsworthy, but I have had no request from them to cover it as yet. To those Odinists who told me that you had contacted them… it was very kind of you to take the initiative and contact them and I very much appreciate the thought. Thank you!

One amusing factor has been that several gloating Jews have gotten in touch with me, delighted that we might die, in the same sort of way they gloat about Rachel Corrie being bulldozed, or talk about how they wish Frau Ursula Haverbeck could be tortured. Some helpful “pro White” Christians have written suggesting that they could not donate to us because we are not Christians, and that we deserve to burn in the fiery pits of lava hell supposedly brought about by their Semitic god, which at least seems to make them happy. The strange thing about this is that there may be a small element of truth in it since this disaster may have been brought about by an Israeli geothermal company named Ormat fracking into the magma chambers, an act which is known to create explosions, break up rock, and can bring about lava flows. The flow began very near their drilling site.

Since the eruption could last for years and the collapsing caldera keeps expanding towards us, this is not good news, however at the rate it is going, it will not take nearly that long to reach us.

Since the eruption could last for years and the collapsing caldera keeps expanding towards us, this is not good news, however at the rate it is going, it will not take nearly that long to reach us.

The good news is that some of our true brothers and sisters actually have cared enough to help one of their own tribe.. to help us. I have not had very much help with anything in my life, and so this meant a great deal to me. The idea that anyone would actually help made me cry, but in a good way. I am so thankful that you cared enough to step in and actually do something. I am hoping that we can get out of here and I can tell each of you how very grateful I am, but suffice it to say for now that I appreciate it more than I can easily express.

To those who have donated to help us reach safety, we are saving every cent and trying to do just that. We do not have enough funds to make it happen yet, but we hope that it may be possible soon.

I shall never forget those generous souls who have actually helped us when we needed it by donating and trying to encourage us. You are our family, our othala, and tribe, and we could not be more grateful. I would rather call one of you friend than have thousands of false acquaintances.

Thank you very much to those friends and fellow Odinists who have helped us in trying to escape the erupting volcano that is so close to us. If anyone else wishes to help, the best way is to make a Paypal donation, which one can do with the button below. Paypal charges less, so more of the donation will get to us. Donations to Freyja Hof are tax deductible.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at odinia@outlook.com Thank you for your support!

There also is a GoFundMe campaign.

We are hoping that we shall soon be up and running again from a new location and be able to continue to restore our holy religion and renew our bonds with our Ancestors, helping as many of our folk as possible connect to our true Heathen spiritual tradition.

May our Gods be with us…

Waes Hael!


A Day to Honor the Life of Harold Covington

We are having some challenges at Freyja Hof, our Odinist headquarters in Hawai`i, but we are still here for the moment, and I am glad that I am, because it means I can honor Harold Covington, the Founder of the Northwest Front, and author of the Northwest Novels. He died at his home, this Saturday, July 21, 2018.

So true... they are not "elite" they are nothing but self-chosen, self-glorifed lying criminals..

So true… they are not “elite” they are nothing but self-chosen, self-glorifed, lying criminals..

There are so few… so few great men of high intellect, who have the courage to stand for our people. There are even fewer men who have the persistence to actually do something about it… so very few men like Harold left… and even fewer with anywhere near his charm.

Jewipedia spouts all the same diatribes against Harold as usual, seeking to label and demonize, but Harold was much more than that. He was a man who was willing to fight for his freedom, and that of his brethren. In the tradition of our Odinist hero, Dr. William Luther Pierce, Harold Covington wrote 4 novels which bravely explore the idea of what our world could be if we resisted. You can read them here.

The Brigade

A Distant Thunder

The Mighty Fortress

The Hill of Ravens

Here is an example of one of Harold Covington’s videos.

I have many things to do in trying to evacuate and relocate our headquarters, but I had to stop to honor and pay homage to this brilliant, witty, man, to honor our dead, and to celebrate what he has done. One of the last things he did was to share our campaign to help us get out of here. How glad I am that I can do even this small thing for him.

Harold Covington has been a good leader, and has tried to lead his people to safety and self-determination. Few of our folk now, can say half as much, but perhaps that soon might change as many people of our tribe wake up and become red pilled. There is no reason why we cannot shape our reality into something more than what it is today… no reason why our people cannot yet triumph over the (((destructive darkness))) that has overtaken us.

Unlike Dr. Martin Luther King, who was a Jewish Communist funded woman beater and plagiarist, Harold Covington <strong><em>really</em> </strong>had a dream, and the imagination and heart to try to make it happen. If we can envision a day when our people stand free again in the sunlight, <strong><em>we can make it happen.</em></strong>

Unlike Dr. Martin Luther King, who was a Jewish Communist funded woman beater and plagiarist, Harold Covington really had a dream, and the imagination and heart to try to make it happen. If we can envision a day when our people stand free again in the sunlight, we can make it happen.

For those of us who fight in the darkness, as Harold did, remember this…. not even the entire force of ZOG and their extreme hatred and envy of us can eclipse our love for our folk.  Their influence is temporary and their destruction of all that is good can be turned back upon them. Our spirits are too bright for them to dampen or even fully comprehend.. and that is why they hate us, and that is why if we believe in ourselves and fight, we can win.

Henceforth, on the 22nd of October, we shall have a Day of Remembrance for Harold Covington and a ritual for him and his vision of a world where our people are FREE!

Farewell,Harold Covington… May you find your way to the Hall of Heroes and lend us your strength in the battle to come…

May our comrade find favor with the Gods and his name live forever...

May our comrade find favor with the Gods and his name live forever…

Please help #LavaDog Escape Kilauea Volcano!

This road goes nowhere. A bit more than a week ago, it used to lead to a tree lined giant parking lot, full of tour buses, and happy tourists, watching the beautiful lava lake ripple far below, and visiting the museum, but the museum is soon to be gone too, if it is not gone already. In the last drone footage I saw, it was perched on the edge of a giant region of earth, a slab that had subsided and separated from the surface land, and was about to fall down

This road goes nowhere. A bit more than a week ago, it used to lead to a tree lined giant parking lot, full of tour buses, and happy tourists, watching the beautiful lava lake ripple far below, and visiting the museum, but the museum is soon to be gone too, if it is not gone already. In the last drone footage I saw, it was perched on the edge of a giant region of earth, a slab that had subsided and separated from the surface land, and was about to fall down.

We  just heard from one of the rangers that the Jagger Museum and Volcano Observatory, not far from us, are about to fall into the crater. The USGS geologists removed all the artifacts and equipment and fled to Hilo, which is 45 minutes away. The mist is too deep for me to see, but for all I know, Jagger Museum and the Volcano Observatory may have already fallen into the crater, if the latest earthquakes and strange sounds I just heard are anything to go by.

I thought I’d have a little break and write an article about this. I hope it’s not my last article, but if it is, at least I shall have got to write one more. If you want to go straight to our campaign and donate in order to help save #lavadog and us, please scroll down.

When you really, really do not want to be poisoned by sulphur again... a fugitive from the set of "Dune".

When you really, really do not want to be poisoned by sulphur again… a fugitive from the set of “Dune”.

What has been happening here on Hawai`i Island at first seems indescribable, although some day if I make it to some place safe, I shall try to describe it properly, as Pliny the Younger did when he witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.  You can read his eyewitness account here.

Photo taken during a much more sedate pahoe'hoe lava flow years ago past the end of Chain of Craters road at Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, now closed for the foreseeable future if not permanently.

Photo taken during a much more sedate pa’hoe’hoe lava flow years ago past the end of Chain of Craters Road at Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, now closed for the foreseeable future, if not permanently.
Photo Credit: Seana Fenner

The island has a life of its own, its life blood the lava, its breath, the volcanic gas, or va’a Pele, the breath of Pele. All of science and our supposedly supreme and “modern” knowledge of the workings of the planet seem to pale in comparison to the sheer majesty of the power of the Earth Goddess. In this place, full of the mana, or spirit, of the Earth, one definitely notices that the aina, or land, is alive

A couple of months ago this was a lovely tropical paradise with charming houses, green lawns, dense trees with titanic bird's nest ferns in them, and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/jason.t.hills/posts/10209659704768598">marvelous beaches and reefs..</a>. now it resembles another planet, Venus perhaps. Photo Credit: USGS

A couple of months ago this was a lovely tropical paradise with charming houses, green lawns, dense trees with titanic bird’s nest ferns in them, and marvelous beaches and reefs... now it resembles another planet, Venus perhaps. Photo Credit: USGS

There is so little that we understand yet, and in this case we are very much just witnesses, like Pliny, of the miracle of new life, the creation of new land,  but this time, on a monumental scale. Perhaps the reason some scientists seek to reduce the Earth Goddess to a set of rules is because they are afraid of her strange and mysterious vastness, but no one really interested in science feels this way. True science seeks to understand the fullness of reality, not to shape it into a form that is easier to comprehend.

The first glimmerings that something very usual was about to occur were jagged cracks in the roads, from which began to emanate an eerie blue light, methane gas, an explosive gas which can cause lava watchers to be thrown back by a blast. The lava then sinuously flew upwards and exploded into simmering red lava fountains that rose hundreds of feet, like a giant wave.. Photo Credit" Brad Lewis

The first glimmerings that something very usual was about to occur were jagged cracks in the roads, from which began to emanate an eerie blue light, methane gas, an explosive gas which can cause lava watchers to be thrown back by a blast. The lava then sinuously flew upwards and exploded into simmering red lava fountains that rose hundreds of feet, like a giant wave..
Photo Credit: Brad Lewis

After the blue methane glow presaged the advent of the lava fountains, the lava that emerged though cracks in the earth, and surged upwards hundreds of feet, seemed quite fast to all of us. Little did anyone guess what would happen next. As the older lava from reservoirs that had halted in the 1980’s dissipated, we got a chance to experience the truly fast moving lava, which is unique to Hawai`i… although as far as I know, even here, the speed of this lava is unprecedented. We now are seeing lava that flows as fast as 19 miles an hour. Can you run 19 miles an hour?

Video credit: Mileka Lincoln

As Kilauea Volcano shifts its flow of lava from its magma core under the earth to the gigantic fissure 8, with its now often 200 foot lava fountains, and vast raging rivers of lava stretching across land and sea, complete with “lavabergs“, what will this artistic work of Mother Nature become if we could flash forward and see the end result?

Rivers of molten lava, forming channels, and flowing to the sea...

Rivers of molten lava, forming channels, and flowing to the sea…

Will fissure 8 someday become a new volcano, as the magma core slowly shifts due to plate teutonics? Are we actually witnessing the birth of a new continent, a magical moment in geological time? I do not know. All I know is that this is a wonder of Nature, beautiful and terrible to behold.

June 4, 2018 Lava Hits Kapoho Bay from Mick Kalber on Vimeo.

The night the volcanic lava lake overflowed and all this began was shortly after Beltane,  I felt the call of the Goddess, to view it. It will never be seen again. Since then the lava lake has drained, and the crater has collapsed, going, down… down, to the water table and beyond to the deepest core of the earth… so deep that semi precious green olivine stones were propelled out of the volcanic crater and are coming down like rain… 

These beautiful green semi-precious olivine gems are falling from the sky.

These beautiful green semi-precious olivine gems are falling from the sky.

As we drove across the mountain pass, between two mountains of 13,000 and 14,000 feet, I saw a giant red fountain in the sky, so huge and tall I could barely believe my eyes. Above it, the sky glowed blood red everywhere from its reflection. At first, I could not believe I could see fissure 8 from that height across the mountains, and assumed that something new must have happened, and I was in a dead zone and unable to check, but it was fissure 8, lighting up the sky with seething red wreathed with shimmering stars above. Everyone driving by stopped dead on this dark and dangerous road and stared in awe. No one had ever seen anything like it.

"Sorry, this tweet has been deleted".  I did not delete this. I just tried to retweet it and I got this message. I often get this message when trying to retweet pro European posts of other people too. Not only has Facebook banned me almost the entire time this ongoing volcanic eruption has been occurring, but Twitter deleted our campaign for help evacuating... help we desperately need to escape. FEMA is also turning people down here because even though the houses may very well be about to fall into a crater, and there are pockets of deadly gases, and large jagged and WIDENING cracks in the road, one can still physically access the house if one manages to drive over them. Meanwhile, Puerto Ricans, who are only territorial citizens, have had six months of hotel vouchers paid for by the Amerian tax payers, and are about to get 6 months more apparently.

“Sorry, this tweet has been deleted”.  I did not delete this. I just tried to retweet it and I got this message. I often get this message when trying to retweet pro European posts of other people too. Not only has Facebook banned me almost the entire time this ongoing volcanic eruption has been occurring, but Twitter deleted our campaign for help evacuating… help we desperately need to escape. FEMA is also turning people down here because even though the houses may very well be about to fall into a crater, and there are pockets of deadly gases, and large jagged and WIDENING cracks in the road, one can still physically access the house if one manages to drive over them. Meanwhile, Puerto Ricans, who are only territorial citizens, have had six months of hotel vouchers paid for by the Amerian tax payers, and are about to get 6 months more apparently.

The summit area of Kilauea itself, the erupting volcanic crater, has in many ways been the most horrifying of all, at least for those of us who are only a mile distant from it. Since the initial 29,000 foot volcanic eruption, there has been at least one eruption every day, and some of these eruptions are now subterranean. The size of Kilauea Volcano’s Hale ma’u ma’u crater has expanded exponentially. It has grown from just 12 acres to 100 acres in just a few weeks.. and it continues to collapse outward in all directions more and more…collapsing, and then exploding in a volcanic eruption, every day.

In the 2 months since this eruption began, there have been approximately 30,000 earthquakes, most of them centered more or less directly under our house. A giant parking lot has fallen into the crater and now Jagger Museum is about to follow. There are jagged cracks in the road everywhere, and they are widening. After the museum and observatory, there are some cabins rented out by the now closed military camp, and then us. The gases contain pockets of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, and when the eruptions occur, and they occur once a day, they could easily become lethal, especially if the wind were to blow in the wrong direction. In 1790, ash and gas rained down upon a contingent of Hawaiian warriors marching across Ka’u desert and killed them all.

We really need to move our headquarters and ourselves to the mainland. We have no savings, and medical bills, and we run at a loss to help our fellow European ancestry people and restore our native religion. Please help by donating, and or sharing, or both for that matter, if you feel so inclined!

#LavaDog in happier days. He really does not like the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as the lava flows under our house. I now realize this has been going on for two months. <a href="https://www.earthquaketrack.com/r/hawaii-hawaii/recent">There have been approximately 30,000 thousand earthquakes since these volcanic events began</a>, and they seem to be getting larger with each volcanic eruption.. This volcanic event has lasted eight weeks so far, and could last for <em>decades</em>.

#LavaDog in happier days. He really does not like the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as the lava flows under our house. I now realize this has been going on for two months. There have been approximately 30,000 thousand earthquakes since these volcanic events began, and they seem to be getting larger with each volcanic eruption.. This volcanic event has lasted eight weeks so far, and could last for decades.

Thank you very much to those friends and fellow Odinists who have helped us in trying to escape the erupting volcano that is so close to us. If anyone else wishes to help, the best way is to make a paypal donation, which one can do with the button below. Paypal charges less, so more of the donation will get to us. Donations to Freyja Hof are tax deductible.

Thank you for your support!


However, there now is a GoFundMe campaign too if you prefer it.

#LavaDog in the park where we have been living. In the distance, a mural of Pele, the Volcano Goddess.

#LavaDog in the park where we have been living. In the distance, a mural of Pele, the Volcano Goddess.

#LavaDog GoFundMe Campaign

his is a picture of the first eruption just outside our house, as we were evacuating before it reached its full height.

This is a picture of the first eruption, just outside our house, as we were evacuating before it reached its full height.

Please donate to us or share if you enjoy our work. We need your help. Thank you.. and bless you for helping us!




Kapoho, before its 700 homes, and the entire bay, were destroyed by lava. You can see what it looks like now in the 4th picture from the top.